The king of colour, Irish writer Chris Haughton is known for his quirky animal characters and wicked sense of humour. His books, including A Bit Lost and Shh! We Have a Plan, have won fans all over the globe. So let’s find out a bit more about the first of our spectacular shortlist of six:
Did you have a favourite picture book as a child? If so, what was it?
I loved the Richard Scarry books. I think one of his books might have made me interested in traveling. I also had a Muppet annual which I literally loved to bits. I absolutely loved the Muppets as a very young child. Especially Animal, and in fact the monkeys from Maybe… are not unlike Animal come to think of it.
What do you think the best thing about picture books is?
I like that they are a kind of combination between art and text. They are our first introduction to both art and literature. In the way they are read to us they often need some sort of performance. Doing funny voices or that sort of thing. So they are most likely our first introduction to performance too. That’s pretty amazing when you think about it. Such a foundational piece of our lives that introduces us to art/literature/performance. I am very, very grateful to be working on them.
What’s the best thing about THIS book?
I think the most fun thing when I am reading it out is the tigers. The children shriek with nervous excitement when they spot them lurking below. I really love reading it to a crowd because that always gets a fun response. It’s very much the classic pantomime ‘S/He’s behind you!’ gag. It’s funny how it works every time.
How did you come up with the idea for the story?
Somebody mentioned in an interview that all my stories are very sweet with no danger. I had never thought of it like that but once I had that thought I knew I had to make a book with danger. The fun part is how to introduce the danger. You need to wind up the tension like ratchet. Keep introducing more and more tigers and the monkeys get more and more overconfident.
Do you know any real-life little monkeys who are always full of mischief?
I dedicated the book to my nieces and nephews. Joanne, May and Cuan. I read them the story many times whilst I was refining it… They don’t get up to a huge amount of mischief really though. I have four other young nephews all of a similar age and there is definitely a lot of monkey business in that house! It's a lot of fun going over to see them.
Please tell us what makes you most excited about being on the OBP shortlist?
I have been following Oscar’s Book Prize since its very beginning. Benji Davies who won the inaugural prize is a close friend. In fact, many of the award winners are friends and are some of my favourite illustrators and authors working today. I am so honoured to be on the shortlist amongst such quality books.
Image from Maybe…. courtesy of Walker Books